Fil Rouge (literally Red Thread in French, meaning common theme, common thread) was a project experimenting with and consolidating innovative methods for alphabetisation and L2 Italian learning among third-countries citizens residing in Milan’s district 9.
Go to the projectIl Sabato del villaggio (Saturday in the Village) promoted social cohesion and the integration of citizens of foreign origin living in the municipality, particularly in the area of the Snia Village, developed to host workers of the now-closed Snia Viscosa factory.
Go to the projectLatinos was a research intervention promoting the social integration of Latin American minors and young adults living in Milan.
Go to the projectA project financed with EIF (European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals) funds, carried out by a group of researchers, workers and artists, together with Sino-Italian young people. It was designed to promote the inclusion and participation of young Chinese people and families living in Milan.
Go to the projectSiamo qui (We Are Here) was an awareness-raising project on ‘life in migration’, which created and disseminated multimedia materials on issues related to family reunification.
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