  • Gender
  • Inclusion
  • Innovation
  • Addictions
  • Welfare
  • Employment
  • Community building
  • Participation
  • Migrations
  • School
  • Youth empowerment

  • All citizens

    Innovative services for a changing local community was a capacity-building project financed with EIF (European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals) funds. It involved seven municipalities in the northwest of Milan, members of the local administration network Comuni Insieme (Baranzate, Bollate, Cesate, Garbagnate Milanese, Novate Milanese, Senago and Solaro).

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  • FIL ROUGE. Sewing nets of linguistic solidarity and narrations

    Fil Rouge (literally Red Thread in French, meaning common theme, common thread) was a project experimenting with and consolidating innovative methods for alphabetisation and L2 Italian learning among third-countries citizens residing in Milan’s district 9.

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    A research project co-funded by the European Union – DG Justice – Programma Progress, whose aim was to explore discrimination in the labour market and public administration. Codici carried it out in partnership with UNAR (Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali), Cittalia, ARCI, ArciGay, A.Ge.D.O., Associazione Carta di Roma, MIT, ENAR, FISH and Fondazione Sodalitas.

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