The project aims to promote a culture of non-violence and to prevent violence and bullying, with a particular focus on implications connected to the internet and social networks.
Go to the projectIn the MIRECO (Monitoring and Improvement of Reception Conditions) project, Codici, together with Cles, CESPI, Reflect, CNR and Laser, worked as a consultant to design new monitoring tools for first and second-level reception centres for applicants and holders of international and humanitarian protection in Italy.
Go to the projectWithin the FAMI project Among Us – National network of territorial reception for a possible autonomy, Codici produced an operational manual for the definition and modelling of practices to facilitate the housing autonomy of refugees.
Go to the projectA research project co-funded by the European Union – DG Justice – Programma Progress, whose aim was to explore discrimination in the labour market and public administration. Codici carried it out in partnership with UNAR (Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali), Cittalia, ARCI, ArciGay, A.Ge.D.O., Associazione Carta di Roma, MIT, ENAR, FISH and Fondazione Sodalitas.
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