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Moj Dom: final conference

Moj Dom – Memories of home in the past and the future
Final conference
Ljubljana, 18. 11 – 19.11 2024

After a war, there are memories—both painful and joyful. After migration, displacement, or relocation, many emotions emerge. Home is a central concept in rebuilding the narrative of one’s interrupted story. A home can help organise memories, symbolising safety and belonging. At the same time, it can represent a constant sense of loss, especially for those who continue to change homes or feel uprooted entirely. What does the thought of home trigger in people? What social and political issues does it represent? The final conference “Moj Dom: Memories of Home in the Past and the Future” offers a reflection that starts from the individual stories of those who lost their homes in the Yugoslav wars and moves toward the narrative of a generation and a society in transformation.

The conference also aims to present personal stories that intertwine with those of cities and towns, such as the former Yugoslavia and Italy. These stories reveal the impact of conflict on models of social solidarity. One of the main questions we ask ourselves is if the sense of home changes with the passing of generations. Many people still do not speak about their experiences of war, displacement, or migration. But the past is also an opportunity to look more closely at these scars. So, what does it mean to pass the past on to new generations? What ethical responsibilities does this involve? Understanding the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s is not just an academic exercise but a crucial process for young people to grasp complex historical, social, and political dynamics. For this reason, the Educational Toolkit Moj Dom, designed for formal and non-formal education, will be presented at the conference.

Following the discursive part, which will take place on November 18 and 19 at the National Museum of Slovenia Metelkova, the artistic program will be held on November 19 at the Dance Theatre Ljubljana. Two works resulting from the project will be presented: the short film Endless Holiday and the performance Stitches.


Monday, 18.11.
National museum Slovenia Metelkova, Maistrova ulica 1

Introduction of the project Moj dom
Lorenzo Scalchi and Sara Troglio (Codici, Milan)

What is home after war?
Giulia Loda and Lorenzo Scalchi (Codici, Milan), Ivana Ognjanovac (independent multimedia artist), Lana Zdravković (Mirovni inštitut, Ljubljana)
Moderated by Gregor Moder (Maska, Ljubljana)

17.00-17.30 break

Activism, hospitality and news models of social solidarity
Petar Bagarić and Orlanda Obad (Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, Zagreb), Greta Fedele and Erica Picco (Laboratorio Lapsus, Milan)
Moderated by Emina Bužinkić (Institut za razvoj i međunarodne odnose, Zagreb)

Tuesday, 19.11.
National museum Slovenia Metelkova, Maistrova ulica 1

Speaking of the past to the future
Anja Gvozdenović (Institut za drustvena Istrazivanja, Zagreb), Emina Bužinkić (Institut za razvoj i međunarodne odnose, Zagreb) and Heike Karge (Universität Graz)
Moderated by Zala Dobovšek (Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television, Ljubljana)

11.30-12.00 break

Understanding the past for the future
Moderated by Alice Straniero (Documenta – Centar za suočavanje s prošlosću, Zagreb) and Zeno Gaiaschi (Laboratorio Lapsus, Milan)

Dance theatre Ljubljana, Prijateljeva ulica 2a
Film screening. Endless Holiday, followed by a Q&A with Davor Marinković (director)

Performance Šivi/Stiches by Damir Avdić

They are followed by the Artist Talk with Damir Avdić (author of the performance Šivi/Stitches) and Davor Marinković (author of the film Neskončne počitnice/Endless Holiday). Moderated by Lana Zdravković (Mirovni inštitut, Ljubljana)

All events are free of charge. Admission is guaranteed until capacity is reached.

The conference will be in English, the documentary in Italian with English subtitles, and the theater performance in Slovenian with English subtitles.

Illustration ☉☉ Ivana Ognjanovac

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Date: 22 October 2024
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